Dear Praying Friends,
We praise the Lord for a wonderful start to Iglesia Bautista Nueva Esperanza! The Lord worked in a mighty way. On November the 4th we had our very first service at Iglesia Bautista Nueva Esperanza (New Hope Baptist Church). This was a day that was greatly anticipated with many weeks and months of prayer and preparation. It was a blessed launch service with 26 people who came from our city of Cordoba and three made decisions to receive Christ! Most of the people that came we had already met and been in contact with but two families who attended had found us through the internet. We are very thankful for my dad and brothers (along with a few member of their church) who traveled 7 hours from Tucumán to help us visit for the first Sunday. The Lord is building His church and we are excited to have a small part. We beg your prayers for Daniel and Maria (a couple who received Christ at home), Cesar and David (two brothers who made decisions), Yohana and her two kids – Nazareno and Renata, Sonia, and for the salvation of Camila and Brian. Please continue to pray for these new believers to grow in their faith, and for more to be saved and added to the church.
We were able to finish our first class in the Seminary and are now working on the second class. It’s so encouraging to see these Argentine believers excited about learning more and preparing themselves for the ministry. We are praying for these individuals as they grow in knowledge.
Earlier in October, we were able to take a trip up North to Tucumán, to be with David’s Dad, Larry, and Brothers. We attended a special service in memory of his Mom, Ruth, who past away in July of this year in the US. It was a very emotional day as people in the church shared testimonies of the impact she had on their life. We praise the Lord for the legacy she has left behind. While we were there, David had the opportunity to preach in a new church plant that a close friend of his, Rodrigo, recently started. It’s such a blessing to see how God is using different people all over Argentina.
We could have not planted New Hope Baptist Church without your prayers and faithful support. We greatly appreciate you “holding the ropes” for us.Thank you for the great part you have in missions work here in Argentina!!! God bless you!