Dear Praying Friends,

I Corinthians 10:31 tells us, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” We give God the glory for everything that He has done. Whether we are presenting at a church, driving down the road or changing a diaper, let every thing  be done for His honor and glory. We glorify the Lord for your partnership with us through prayer and support.

We thank the Lord that Hannah and Baby are doing well with Ingrid weighing over 12 pounds. We are thankful for such a healthy little girl who is adjusting to life on the road. Our prayer for her is that she will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ at a young age.

Earlier this month, I encountered a group of Mormons and had the opportunity to present the Gospel to them. Please pray for these four young men that their eyes would be open to the truth. During the 2nd week of June, we had the privilege to attend our first Macedonia Orientation as a family. It was such a blessing and encouragement to see other missionaries on deputation and those on furlough. It was a time to recharge our batteries as we face the last phase of our deputation. We rejoice in over 3 new supporting churches over this period of time. The end of our deputation now seems within grasp as we are at 80% of our support. We have had meetings in Virginia, one in Indiana and several in Michigan. We are very thankful for the Smith Family, who are missionaries themselves to Ottawa, Canada for letting us stay in their upstairs apartment as we traveled in the Michigan area.

We ask that you continue to pray for Hannah’s grandmother, Barbara. She is having another surgery on the 20th of June. I do want to mention and ask for your prayers concerning another situation with my parents in Argentina. A few weeks ago, on a Sunday night, their house was robbed. The door was busted down on the ground, money was taken, and several valuables also. Its sad to say, but this is a pretty common situation in Argentina. Please pray for my parents as they go through this difficult time.

Santa Fe
This month we share the need in Santa Fe,Argentina. Its the 8th largest city in Argentina with a population of around 650,000 souls. This city is situated about 4 1/2 hours East of Cordoba where we plan to begin our first work. Pray that God would allow for more Bible believing churches to be started here. Thank you for your prayers!

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