Dear Praying Friends,
We appreciate your faithful prayers and support towards the ministry down in Cordoba Argentina. Our prayer is that 2021 would be a year that we can live for and serve the Lord. We pray for more souls to be saved, believers edified and lives changed. Thank you for your love for the Lord and your love for missions work around the world.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to visit my dad, Larry Owens, who is also a missionary in the northern city of Tucuman located about 8 hours Northwest of our city of Cordoba. We were able to spend the holidays with him and my two brothers who traveled from the US. It is blessing to see the Lord working in Tucuman – seeing people being saved and believers growing. Also, a church planting movement is truly emerging in this city and region which is a great blessing to see. It was refreshing to see them and spend time together. We were also able to see some friends from the church that we had not seen in about 2 years.
Tucuman,Arg Visit
Missionary Larry Owens (Dad)
January was a month of remodeling and fixing the building that we are currently in. We were able to get a new church sign that is easier to read from the road and have been doing some painting as well.
We were able to gather once again on Sunday mornings back in October. Now, we have been able to resume Wednesday night services in the building of New Hope Baptist Church and what a blessing it is! Though we thank the Lord for technology and being able to use that tool, it was such a blessing to be able to pray one for another in person. Please pray that the members will attend faithfully and invite others.
Please pray for the discipleships that we are currently doing. Also, for more people to be saved, baptized and discipled. Finally, please pray for fellow laborers here in Cordoba, Argentina. There is a great need for more Gospel preaching churches in this region. Thank you so much for all that you do for missions and the cause of Christ down here in Argentina! God bless you!