Dear Praying Friends,
Ingrid Giselle
We are rejoicing in the birth of our little one, Ingrid Giselle! She was born on the 12th of April around 4:30 PM weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. We thank the Lord that everything went well and both Hannah and Ingrid are healthy. Psalms 48:1 says, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,…” The Lord is so good and we are very grateful to Him for her! We are so happy that Hannah’s mom and sister Sarah have been helping us with the baby at this time. Please pray that Ingrid would continue to grow strong and healthy.

Prayer Requests
We also ask prayers for Hannah’s grandmother in Florida as she has been struggling with her health & had surgery this month. Please pray for her healing and wisdom for the doctors as she is facing another operation in June. My parents will be coming to the States to see the baby in September and to raise more needed support. They have been faithfully serving in Argentina since 1987. Please pray for their travels and for my mom as she has been struggling with diabetes.
We thank the Lord for safety as we traveled great distances, especially at the end of February and early March. We hit a snow storm in Michigan but thankfully we were able to make it to a missions conference that was a huge blessing to both my wife and I. We then had a meeting in Iowa and traveled a total of 32 hours. But the Lord blessed and we had two new churches take us on for support. This Resurrection Sunday we were in Virginia presenting the work to Argentina. The pastor at this church is a wrestling coach and encouraged me to stay through Monday. He taught me some wrestling moves and I greatly enjoyed that. At the same church, we had a great time of fellowship with some friends of ours going to Mexico. We are so thankful for each church that we are able to be in and the new friendships that we form traveling the deputation trail. Thank you for your prayers and faithful support!
Bahia Blanca
This month we want to pray for the city of Bahia Blanca. The city is in the Southwest corner of the province of Buenos Aires. Bahia Blanca is about a 7 hour drive from the Capital of Argentina. It has a population of over 300,000 souls. Bahía Blanca means “White Bay”. The name is given due to the typical color of the salt covering the soils surrounding the shores. Bahia Blanca is the only city in Argentina where basketball is more popular than soccer. There is a great need in this place for Bible believing churches. Join us in prayer for laborers in Bahia Blanca, Argentina.