By the grace of God, we were able to plant our first church in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. New Hope Baptist Church was established in November of 2018. Our desire is to with the help of the Lord grow this church and plant additional churches in Argentina. Our plan is to return and continue working in these three key areas:
1. Evangelism & Discipleship (Matthew 28:19-20) Cordoba is the second largest city in Argentina with a population 1.5 million souls. The city is located right in the heart of Argentina and is a strategic location to reach other parts of Argentina. Cordoba is in need of churches that preach the Gospel and sound doctrine. We want to continue seeing people saved, discipled and established in the faith.
2. Training Leaders (2 Timothy 2:2) We have partnered with another local church in the area and started a Bible Institute to train pastors and leaders. The goal is to train faithful and teachable men theologically and practically. Most of the new Christians in Argentina have no Biblical foundation at all. They need to be taught sound doctrine from God’s Word. Our mission is to train leaders for the ministry. We endeavor to see pastors throughout Argentina.
3. Planting Churches (Acts 16:5) We want to plant and establish more local, indigenous, independent Baptist churches. Every church that is established should become autonomous meaning that we immediately begin teaching our people the importance of supporting their pastoral leadership financially and making responsible fiscal decisions. Also, we want to strengthen the new pastors and churches that are being established. Our desire is to please our Savior by fulfilling the Great Commission that has been given to us. We can reach Argentina and the world through it’s key cities, one person at a time. May the Lord help us as we do His work.
“I’d rather be in the heart of Africa in the will of God, than on the throne of England, out of the will of God.” -David Livingstone