Dear Friends,
Return to Argentina
Thank you for your prayers concerning our trip to the US. It was a refreshing six weeks with family and friends. We were able to spend Christmas and New Years with Hannah’s family. It had been six years since all the siblings and grandchildren were able to be all together. It was a blessed time!
Walker Family
Our fellow missionaries that have been working with us since the start of the new church, the Walkers, are leaving us to start a new work. They are leaving to start a church about 3 hours North of Cordoba, in a town called Balnearia. We are sad to see them leave but at the same time happy that they are following the Lord’s will for their life in obedience.
As you all know, it is Summer in Argentina. We have been experiencing days of over 100 degrees. Many people leave the city and spend time in the mountains and rivers. We plan to have our 2nd VBS at the end of February. The plan is to share the Wordless Book as we present the Gospel to the children who attend. We pray for a good group of children and to be able to connect with the parents. The last day of VBS the kids will be presenting a program of everything they have learned with songs and Bible verses. We are encouraging them to invite their parents for this special event. On another note, someone stole the light reflector from our church sign! We walked up to the front one morning and it was gone. Please pray for the people that did this, that they would know Christ as their Saviour. There is a great spiritual need in Cordoba, Argentina!
Praise the Lord for Jose, a young policeman who got saved. He was invited by Valeria, a young lady who was also recently saved and is inviting all of her friends and family to church. Also, we are grateful for Angel’s salvation. He works in the neighbourhood that we recently moved into. The Lord was guiding our move so that we could be in this neighbourhood and talk to Angel. He came with his 7 year old daughter, Sabrina, and has several family members living with him at home. Angel has told me that he wants all of his family to “have Christ” and attend church with him. We pray for stability and growth in the life of these new converts.Thank you for your continued prayers and support! God bless you!