Dear Praying Friends,
After weeks of going back and forth working on one building that in the end didn’t work out, we finally have good news! Praise the Lord we have signed the contract and have the keys for a new church building. We are rejoicing in God’s timing and feel like the location is where He would have us to be. We’ve already been able to make contact with some of the people and the word is already out that we are planting a church in the area.
We have the privilege to be involved in a new ministry that has started in the city of Córdoba. It’s an online Bible Seminary to help better equip those called to the ministry. We currently have two couples and four individuals studying and preparing themselves. We are excited to have a part in training nationals here in Argentina.
I have been able to witness to several people out visiting with a local church in the area. I met Mariano and Valentin two young men who struggle with a drug addiction. Their attention span was very short, yet the seed of the Word was planted in their hearts. Pray for their salvation and for the young people here in Argentina.
After reaching the Argentine Senate, a law to legalize abortion was not passed in Argentina praise the Lord! Cordoba was one of the only two provinces (states) where every senate vote favored abortion. Cordoba is one of the hardest grounds to work in but we trust the Lord to give the increase.
One last thing we would like to mention and this one is very near to our hearts. Since arriving in Argentina we’ve had trouble with social workers concerning our daughters. We thought we had answered all of their questions but we’ve been called in for more meetings. Please pray for us to have wisdom in dealing with this situation and to fully rest in the Lord. As you can imagine it’s a very delicate situation and emotions are high. The Lord has brought us this far and we are confident He will see us through.
Thank you for all the prayers! We hope to have wonderful news of mighty ways the Lord is working here in our next update.